Photo of Lina Martinez, software developer and former social worker

Hi! I am Lina Martinez

Front end developer
Crafting Technology with purpose.

About Me

Hello! I'm Lina Martinez, and I'm transitioning from a career in social work to the dynamic field of software development. My background in social work gave me a unique perspective on the challenges faced by individuals and communities, and as I spent time working directly with people, I realized the powerful role that technology could play in addressing some of these challenges on a larger scale. Through my work with various non-profit organizations, I honed my problem-solving skills and developed a strong desire to make a broader impact.

Recently, I discovered the incredible potential of technology to drive social change and decided to pivot my career towards software development. I have since immersed myself in learning programming languages (HMTL5, CSS3, JavaScript). This career change excites me as it combines my commitment to social justice with my newfound love for coding.

Skills & Tools

  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Figma
  • VS Code
  • CodePen

My Work

Screenshot of the restaurant order page project.

Restaurant order page

This project features an interface built with HTML and CSS, showcasing various bakery items and providing an easy-to-use online ordering system.

Screenshot of the Birthday project, an interactive web-based birthday greeting card

Birthday project

This project is a personalized, web-based birthday greeting card designed to celebrate a special person's birthday with a touch of creativity and warmth. This project leverages HTML and CSS to deliver a visually appealing and heartfelt message.

Four young girls wearing uniforms, smiling and standing together outdoors on a sunny day. The image is part of the 'Our Programs' section of the Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation project website.

Razia's Ray of Hope

Ray of Hope is a group capstone project dedicated to supporting the Razia’s Ray of Hope Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to providing Afghan girls with nurturing and inspiring educational environments.


Do you want to contact me?
Send a message to this email: or fill out the form below and I will get in touch as soon as possible.